Friday, March 27, 2015

Welcome back Friday- I've missed you

Thank you Pinterest for another memorable picture. I hope everyone had a great week, or at least a good week. My music discovery for the week is Geronimo by Sheppard. Makes me want to step up and start doing all the things I want to do in my life starting with this girl scout cookie...

Wishing everyone an awesome weekend.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

It's the Pirate's Life for Me- Fog of Fortune: Book One

I had a chance to do a character spotlight on Captain Silversword from The Silversword Chronicles. We first meet this swaggering pirate in Fog of Fortune.

So Silversword if you had a theme song- what would it be?
Bad by Michael Jackson

It's 2:00 a.m. and the Captain wants a treat. What would you send your crew for?
Anything with the phrase "Golden" in the name.

Okay Captain, for all those Pirate Captains out there what did you want to be when you grew up?
An Officer, like my father.

What Color is the dress- black and blue or white and gold.
Curse the dress and kill all who waste time squabbling over its color, but of course it is GOLD.

There are many long nights as see as you track down other ships to pillage. In your free time what is your favorite book to read?
Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations

Last question Silversword and we'll depart for the day- if you could spend the day with anyone- who would it be and why?
King Midas, I would hold him ransom until he shares his secrets with me and his GOLD.

Well it was nice meeting with you today. I hope we can talk again when your second book comes out.
Aren't you forgetting. I never leave witnesses...

Monday, March 9, 2015

Daylight savings time- where in my brain becomes mushy

Daylight savings time struck again. It didn't seem too bad yesterday morning when the alarm wasn't going off and I could take my time getting up. Today it blared at me at 5:25 (my brain translated it automatically to 4:25) and even the dog groaned. Blown away by Carrie Underwood did nothing to make getting out of bed in the freezing cold any better. And then this showed up on my Facebook page. Wishing everyone a happy daylight savings time. (Love this book by the way!)

The Princess Bride's Count Rugen: Daylight Savings Time 'Sucks'

Monday, March 2, 2015

Dr. Seuss' Birthday

I loved Green Eggs & Ham. Back in Junior High (I won't list a year) I wrote a whole book inspired by his rhyming. Thank you for many happy memories for myself and all the kids out there.